Theo & Code - codeo 

About Codeo

Hi, I'm Theophilus Arthur - Codeo, the creative mastermind behind some of the most complex and visually stunning web and software applications you've ever seen. As a full-stack developer, I am constantly pushing myself to the limits and leveraging various JS libraries and frameworks, and CMS to create digital experiences that are as exciting as they are functional.

I believe that design is about more than just making things look pretty. it's about solving problems and creating intuitive, enjoyable experiences for users. From harnessing the power of technologies like Three.js and WebGL to bring my designs to life, to integrating cutting-edge tools and frameworks into my workflow, I draw on my 4+ years of experience to discover new and innovative ways to make my clients' visions a reality.

Off the clock, you can find me taking care of my dogs and solving problems on the golf course. I also spend my free time exploring my creativity through designing art and animating. It's a great way to unwind and recharge after a long day of coding and designing.

Theophilus Arthur

satisfied clients




years of experience

Frequently Used technologies

Restful API
Tawilwind CSS

Select Experience

  • Creative Web Developer, UI/UX Designer @Sayo Studio

    June 2022- Feb 2023 | New York, NY

    As a React Web Developer and WordPress Developer, I have developed and updated websites and web applications for clients using React and CMS. With experience in creating over 20 websites, I have built full WordPress websites and developed unique themes. I have also created styled reusable UI components for upcoming website updates, including 3D sliders, profile cards with smooth UI transitions, and responsive menu bars. Additionally, I designed a complete 3D landing page using Three.js, incorporating captivating designs, animations, and transitions. My expertise in React, CSS, and JavaScript has allowed me to deliver visually appealing interfaces and exceptional user experiences.I have leveraged my expertise to create websites that not only deliver aesthetically pleasing designs but also perform well in search engine rankings. By implementing SEO best practices, optimizing website speed and performance, utilizing relevant keywords, and structuring content for improved readability, I have helped clients improve their online visibility and attract organic traffic. My knowledge of WordPress plugins and tools further enables me to enhance website SEO through proper meta tags, sitemaps, and schema markup. With a focus on delivering websites that are both visually appealing and search engine friendly, I strive to provide clients with a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

  • Software Engineer @New York University

    Aug 2021- May 2022 | New York, NY

    As a software engineer, I was a part of a team that developed a full-stack web application with React and Node.js that automated and streamlined the facility's and athelites management processes. This resulted in a significant reduction of the administrative data analyzing and visualizing workload by 50%. I also implemented Python algorithms to analyze large athletic research data sets on economic data, increasing the data accuracy by 20%. To present these findings, the app built as an efficient data visualization dashboards to display graphs from and with Tableau and matplotlib, improving the team's understanding of the data by 30%. Additionally, I implemented SQL and NoSQL database solutions, reducing data processing time by 40%. Utilizing cloud-based platforms like AWS and Azure for data processing and storage also improved data accessibility and security by 60%. Moreover, I contributed to the development of software engineering practices such as agile methodologies and code refactoring, which resulted in a 25% increase in development efficiency of the team i worked with. Presently, I contractly continue to manage and update the web application. Furthurmore, Developed algorithms to analyze and extract insights from large research data sets on economic data using Python Designed and implemented machine learning models for data classification and prediction tasks Built data visualization dashboards using Tableau and matplotlib for presenting research findings to the team Designed and implemented software solutions for data management and analysis using SQL and NoSQL databases Worked on cloud-based platforms such as AWS and Azure for large scale data processing and storage

  • Web Developer @JFX Graphics

    Feb 2020 - June 2021 | London, UK.

    As a freelance web developer for a graphic design company, I developed several full-stack web applications from scratch using Node.js, React, and MongoDB. I built an e-commerce platform, a social media platform, and integrated various third-party APIs like payment gateways, social media platforms, and geolocation services. Additionally, I implemented authentication and authorization mechanisms, optimized web applications for performance and scalability by using techniques like code splitting and caching, conducted load testing and implemented load balancing mechanisms using NGINX, and maintained CI/CD pipelines. I provided ongoing maintenance and support, developing and updating websites and web applications using React and CMS. I created a science web application with a game to explain dark matter, managed the company's WordPress website, designed reusable UI components, and built a 3D landing page using Three.js. I enjoyed working on a variety of projects and collaborating with a team of talented designers and developers to create innovative and engaging web applications.

  • Software Developer @Catchafire

    Sep 2022- Feb 2023 | Seattle, WA.

    As a web and application developer at Catchafire, I contributed technical skills to support the mission of providing pro bono services to nonprofit organizations. My work included developing and maintaining websites, building web applications, and creating mobile apps. I collaborated with other volunteers and nonprofit staff to identify project requirements and deliver high-quality solutions, using agile methodologies to manage project timelines and ensure timely delivery of project milestones. I provided ongoing support and maintenance for completed projects, gaining valuable experience working on diverse projects and collaborating with individuals from different backgrounds. Overall, I contributed over $7000 in web development projects and have expertise in JavaScript, React, Next.js, React Native, HTML, GitHub, Content Management Systems (CMS), and WordPress. One of the key technical challenges I faced was identifying project requirements and delivering high-quality solutions that met the needs of different stakeholders. To do this, I collaborated closely with other volunteers and nonprofit staff, using agile methodologies to manage project timelines and ensure timely delivery of project milestones. I also used GitHub to manage code versioning and collaborated with other developers to resolve conflicts and ensure code quality.


  • Bachelor of Science in ECE and Computer Science

    2021-2025 | New York University (NYU)

    Relevant courses included Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Systems Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence, Creative coding lab.

  • Online Coursework

    2019-2020 | Coursera and edX

    Completed coursework in advanced topics such as Reinforcement Learning, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning Engineering.

  • Online Coursework

    2020-2021 | Threejs Journey

    Completed coursework in WebGL, Blender, React Three fiber and three.js